You can understand your kidney disease from the following symptoms :
The outbreak of kidney disease is spreading worldwide today. With the whole world as well as in Bangladesh, kidney disease situation is still awful. Many people who suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease for Signs of Obesity, do not know that they have this disease. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Many years later, kidney failure is created.
The main strength of the cure is to acquire knowledge of kidney disease for any stage of kidney disease. If you have a good idea about the symptoms of kidney disease, then it is easier to be cured by medicines accordingly. If you or someone you know is having one or more signs of kidney disease, be sure to talk to the doctor about blood and urine tests. Because the symptoms of kidney disease are similar to the symptoms of other health problems. Let’s know about the symptoms of kidney disease
Lowering energy, feeling much tired or having trouble concentrating is the Symptoms of Kidney Disease
When kidney function is severely reduced, toxins are produced as a result of blood unproductive. As a result, you feel weak and tired, and it becomes difficult to focus on anything. Another complication can occur, and it is Anemia. There may be problems with weakness or fatigue due to bleeding.
Sleep problems
When the kidney is unable to purify the blood, blood toxins cannot be excreted through urine, and toxins remain in the blood. Which causes sleep problems. There is a link to chronic kidney disease with obesity. And sleep apnea is a common symptom of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Drying and bursting of the skin
Healthy kidneys work very much. The kidneys carry out waste materials and excess fluid from the body, red blood cells forming the bones, strengthening the bones and maintaining the balance of the mineral salts. Dry and bursting skin can be for mineral and bone disorders, which may be accompanied by advanced kidney disease when the kidneys cannot control the blood nutrients and mineral salt balance.
Frequently urinate
If you often need urination, especially during the night it is a sign of kidney disease. When kidney transfusions are damaged, urine increases. Frequent urination may occur in urine infections and symptoms, this type of symptom occur even when the prostate gland is grown in men.
blood with urine is the symptom of Kidney Disease
The healthy kidneys usually put blood cells inside the body and extinguish the urine from the blood. When the kidney is damaged, the blood cell starts to emerge. The symptoms of blood flow to urine may also indicate tumors, kidney stones or infections along with kidney disease.
Urination with more foam
If there is a lot of foam in the urine, it is understandable that protein is going on with urine. If the white part of the egg is cracked, such as foam or bubble is the urine of the urine and so on. This is because of the presence of Albumin in the urine. When the kidney filter is damaged, the urine becomes foam as the protein leaks out with urine.
Swelling around the eye
When kidneys leak too much protein a lot of protein goes out with urine, it swells around the eyes.
The heel of the feet or feet swallow
If kidney function decreases, the number of sodium increases as the legs and heel swells. The swelling of the lower part of the foot may be symptoms of the long-term disease of the heart, liver, and foot.
Decrease of Hunger
This is a very common problem, but if the increase in toxin production in the body increases, the appetite decreases due to decreasing kidney function.
Muscular convulsion
If the performance of the kidneys is damaged, the body’s electrolyte imbalance and muscular tissue problems arise. For example, if the calcium and phosphorus levels decrease, muscular problems also appear.
Always feel cold
If you have kidney disease, you will feel cold even in the hot weather. If there is an infection in kidneys, fever may also come.
Rash on the skin
When the kidney becomes ineffective, the waste of blood continues to grow. It can make skin itching and rashes.
Due to the increase of waste material in the blood, kidney disease can cause nausea and vomiting problems.
Small breath
Lung fluid is accumulated in kidney disease. Apart from this kidney disease also leads to anemia in the body. For these reasons, breathing problems, so many people breathe in small.
Back Pain
Some kidney diseases cause pain in the body. There is pain on the lower side of the back. This is also one of the signs of kidney disease.
If the above symptoms are found then contact the doctor and make sure you have a kidney problem by doing the Simpling Urine Test (albumin/creatinine ratio ACR) and blood test (estimated glomerular filtration rate EGR).
Let us briefly know how we can protect ourselves from severe kidney disease and keep our vital organs healthy for the kidneys.
- Proper Hydration. The kidneys need adequate water to remove toxins, waste products and unwanted compounds from the blood. As such, drinking plenty of water at regular intervals throughout the day will help your kidneys function properly and not get too congested or calcified. Aim for four to six 8-ounce glasses of water a day if you’re sitting or inactive, or eight glasses if you’re more active or live in a warm climate. During hot summer months or when exercising strenuously, you need to drink more water than usual to make up for fluid lost by sweating. Your urine should be fairly clear or straw-colored when you go to the bathroom. Drink a sip at least 1 hour interval so that, your body is well hydrated.
- Control blood pressure. As noted above, high blood pressure is damaging to blood vessels throughout the body, including the small arteries within the kidneys that are so important for its filtrating ability. As such, keep your blood pressure at a normal as 140/90 mm Hg. Blood pressure below this level can help delay or prevent kidney dysfunction and failure. Check your blood pressure regularly, either at your local pharmacy, health clinic or at home with some purchased equipment Eating a low-salt diet, reducing stress and maintaining a healthy weight all help maintain normal blood pressure.
- Regular exercise. In addition to watching your calories, getting regular cardiovascular exercise is a great way to maintain your weight, which fosters kidney health. Obesity strains the heart and blood vessels, which leads to higher blood pressure and eventual kidney damage. Just 30 minutes of mild-to-moderate cardiovascular exercise on a daily basis can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as trigger weight loss. Start by simply walking around your neighborhood (if it’s safe) or climb hills or stairs to increase breathing rate. Treadmills and cycling are also great for cardiovascular exercise.
- Avoid Vigorous exercise (such as long-distance running) temporarily increases blood pressure, which strains the kidneys and heart.
- Thirty minutes of exercise five times a week is a good start, and an hour is even better (for most people), but much more time spent exercising doesn’t appear to be significantly more beneficial.
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy, low-salt diet is healthy for the kidneys because it keeps blood pressure in check. For the most part, fresh fruits and veggies are low in sodium, high in vitamins and minerals, and a good source of antioxidants, which is all beneficial for the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. Fruits and veggies are also good sources of water, which the kidneys need to properly filtrate the blood. Veggies that contain moderate amounts of sodium include artichokes, beets, carrots, seaweed, turnips, and celery. Fruits that have a little more sodium than average include tropical mammy apples, guavas and passion fruits,
dark-colored berries, strawberries, apples, cherries, artichokes, kidney and pinto beans
- Taking healthy supplements. Eating a nutritious diet certainly reduces the risk of experiencing any nutritional deficiencies, but supplementing can be beneficial and make up for any gaps in your diet. Supplements that have demonstrated to be beneficial to kidney health in studies include vitamin D, potassium, coenzyme Q10, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Coenzyme Q10 helps normalize blood pressure and decrease hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, both strong risk factors for kidney disease. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation helps to decrease the prevalence of chronic kidney disease by reducing blood pressure and excess protein in the urine.
- Avoid alcohol to save from Kidney Disease. Ethanol damages the delicate internal structures of the kidneys, making them less able to filter your blood and balance fluids/electrolytes — frequently leading to high blood pressure.
7.Little Medications. All medications are toxic to organs such as the liver and kidneys at least to some extent (dosage is obviously an important factor too), but some are much more damaging than others. The byproducts of their breakdown within the body can easily damage the kidneys and liver.
- If If you’re taking anti-inflammatory on a long-term basis for arthritis or other chronic conditions, ask your doctor about monitoring your kidney function via certain blood and urine tests.
- Intake less salt. Too much sodium inhibits your kidneys from filtering and excreting water, which builds up in the body and increases blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) creates turbulence within the kidney’s small blood vessels. It leads to damage and dysfunction. As such, avoid high-sodium foods and stop using the salt shaker during meals.
- You should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day if your kidneys are healthy, and less than 1,500 mg if you have kidney dysfunction or high blood pressure. Avoid or limit consumption of foods high in sodium, such as processed meats, crackers, salted nuts and snacks, canned soups, pickled foods, frozen foods, and most processed condiments and dressings.
- Less protein consumption. Protein builds muscle, skin, enzymes and many other compounds in the body. However, high-protein diets tend to be hard on the kidneys. Because they must work harder to filter all the protein and amino acids out of the bloodstream. Furthermore, high-protein diets may worsen kidney function in people with kidney disease because their bodies often have trouble eliminating the waste products of protein metabolism.
- The amount of dietary protein that’s healthy for you and your kidneys depends on your body size, muscle mass, and activity levels. Men need more protein than women, and athletes need more than people who are sedentary. In general, the average-sized adult needs between 46 to 56 g of protein daily, depending on their weight, muscle mass and overall health. Healthy sources of protein include beans, most soy products, unsalted nuts, hemp seeds, fish, skinless poultry
- Stop smoking. Smoking cigarettes on a regular basis is one of the most harmful things you can do to your body. Inhaling cigarette smoke damages nearly every organ and blood vessel in the body. Smoking is bad for the kidneys. Because the toxins that become dissolved in the bloodstream damage the small blood vessels and “filters” inside the kidneys.
- The toxic compounds essentially decrease the flow of blood in the kidneys by clogging them up, which compromises their function. Clogged up arteries also increase the risk of high blood pressure within the kidneys and elsewhere in the body.
- Deaths related to cigarette smoking are lung disease, stroke, and heart attack, but some are related to kidney failure.
So. If we become a little careful about our health, fitness, food, lifestyle, we can live in better and live longer.
Note: These are general advice. For more confirmation, please consult your doctor.
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